Such coverage leads to complete insulation of your house

Convection – Convective transfer of heat happens through the movement of heat in the air. Radiant heat – Heat transferred through electromagnetic spectrum is called radiant heat.With the ever changing economy today each individual is looking out for alternatives to reduce his/ her expense. Structures normally have hidden or prominent crevices that lead to this kind of transfer of heat. The liquid form allows the material to spread in the remotest of crevices and give a complete coverage. The insulation provided by spray foam insulation effectively blocks heat transfer. Another factor why spray foam insulation is famous is due to its extremely high R-value.

Thus being a complete value for money and providing at comfortable temperature at home. Spray foam insulation may be a little expensive to install given that you will have to hire a professional to do it for you. This material is liquid when sprayed but expands to a size 100 times more than the original and takes a hard and solid form. Thus many individuals are moving on to energy efficient methods like home insulation to save on their energy bills. Spray foam insulation is made of polyurethane material. Such coverage leads to complete insulation of your house. An energy efficient house can be extremely effective in giving better savings than any other measure you use. But the benefits you reap pay back the money you spend to install it.

Even though most insulation products are designed to give the best R-value, not many can stand the test of time. Conduction – In this process thermal energy travels through the mass of a material cascell on a molecular level. Spray foam insulation is the only insulation product in market that has the capability to prevent the transfer of heat through conduction, convection and radiant heat. Thus it stops the transfer of heat through the electromagnetic spectrum. By installing spray foam insulation between the two highly conductive materials the process of heat conduction slows down drastically. The above explanation proves why many home owners seek to install spray foam insulation to obstruct the transfer of heat in way.

By sealing the gaps with spray foam you can effectively stop the convention currents. Most of the products solve the issue of heat transfer through conduction very well but are unable to attend to heat transfer by convection and radiant heat. R – Value is a standard adopted by the insulation industry that is a measure for thermal resistance. Conduction is the foremost method through which heat migrates through the ceiling, floors and walls of a structure. Spray foam insulation is rapidly gaining popularity as the most efficient insulation product available. It is used to determine the measurement of conductive heat transfer through an insulation material over a period of time. Warm air easily escapes the inside of a structure which increases the use of heaters in a cold weather. Spray foam insulation is the best product to address such issues.

This can be explained as follows – Heat travels through materials and space by three means Conduction, Convection and Radiant heat. House maintenance is a potent area where savings can be made. It has a surface with exceptional reflectivity properties.